Qld Gambling Legislation

Qld Gambling Legislation 9,1/10 816 reviews

Problem gambling is a serious public health issue that negatively affects individuals, families and communities. Self regulation and voluntary codes of conduct have failed to protect the public interest. Government should act to minimize exploitation and to help people overcome gambling problems by implementing evidenced based regulation. Unlawful Gambling Act 1998 (NSW). Breakwater Island Casino Agreement Act 1984 (Qld). Brisbane Casino Agreement Act 1992 (Qld). Cairns Casino Agreement Act 1993 (Qld). Casino Control Act 1982 (Qld). Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Act 1999 (Qld). Gaming Machine Act 1991 (Qld). Interactive Gambling (Player Protection) Act 1998 (Qld). State government office responsible for developing and maintain legislation and policy relating to liquor, gaming and racing in Queensland.

Executive Director for Liquor and Gaming

Mike Sarquis is the Executive Director of the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR), Queensland. Mike is responsible for managing the gaming and liquor regulatory licensing and compliance regimes, and implementing the responsible gambling strategy and harm minimisation programs. He is also responsible for the administration of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund, which distributes approximately $54 million each year to worthwhile community projects and initiatives.

In 2018, Mike was awarded Gaming Regulator of the Year for Australasia by the International Masters of Gaming Law.

Mike holds a Bachelor of Business in Accountancy and a Graduate Diploma of Business in Professional Accounting. He is a current member of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund Committee, the Responsible Gambling Advisory Committee, and member and former vice president of the International Association of Gaming Regulators.

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation

Licensing division

Responsible for:

  • licensing of persons and organisations under the various gaming, liquor and wine acts
  • applications for changes to licence conditions, variations to hours of trading, alterations to the number of gaming machines in clubs/hotels and other ancillary approvals
  • assessment and approval of game rules, operator control systems and gambling equipment
  • probity investigations into the suitability of major participants in the gaming industry.

Compliance division

Responsible for:

  • compliance and technical audits of liquor and gaming operators
  • inspections under the various liquor and gaming acts
  • complaints, investigations and enforcement actions
  • risk assessment of liquor licence applications
  • supporting safe night precinct boards to form and become fully operational.

Organisational services

Responsible for:

  • financial and information management services
  • media, marketing and strategic communications
  • information solutions
  • asset management
  • administrative services
  • business systems support
  • business intelligence capability.

Office of Regulatory Policy

Policy and legislation

Responsible for:

  • Indigenous policy
  • development and management of liquor and gambling harm minimisation.

Further information

Download OLGR's organisational structure.

Last updated:
23 July 2020
Last published:
17 January 2020

(Adopted August 2014)



The Queensland Greens believe that:

1. Problem gambling is a serious public health issue that negatively affects individuals, families and communities.


2. Self regulation and voluntary codes of conduct have failed to protect the public interest. Government should act to minimize exploitation and to help people overcome gambling problems by implementing evidenced based regulation.

3. Government has a conflict of interest as regulator and taxing authority. This conflict has interfered with good governance.

Qld Gambling Legislation Act

4. The state budget should not depend on gambling revenue and it should be phased out as a revenue source.

5. No new casino licences should be issued in Queensland.


The Queensland Greens will:

Qld Gambling Legislation Rules

1. Ensure there is a substantial reduction in the proportion of the population with gambling problems, by:

a. Poker machines set at a $1 bet limit per spin, $20 machine load up limits, $500 jackpot limits, as recommended by the Productivity Commission;

b. Improved voluntary pre-commitment and mandatory pre-commitment for high technology machines;

c. Capping cash winnings payable by machine at $100, and winnings payable by a cashier at $250, with additional winnings being payable only by cheque;

d. Ban on provision of cash withdrawal facilities and services at pokies venues;

e. Ban incentives to gamble, including free food and drink.

2. Is a systematic reduction in revenue derived from gambling, with set goals over time.

3. Introduce evidence based harm minimization and product safety measures to reduce the development of problem gambling and to assist gamblers to limit their expenditure.

4. Reform regulation and approval processes, including recognition and support for local Council and Community moratoriums on new gaming machines and gambling venues.

5. Introduce National Standards to avoid interstate 'competition' undermining proper regulation within states.

6. Establish a strong and genuinely independent statutory gambling regulator to minimise social and economic costs, and protect consumers and the public interest.

7. Reduce gambling promotion to children and in the media during children's viewing times. It should not be promoted at sporting events viewed by children.

8. Assess and address the full cost of gambling, including direct and indirect harm of problem gambling and gambling regulation, including the increased need for policing to address increased crime and money laundering.

Qld Gambling Legislation Definition

9. Ban political donations from the gambling industry.